Paris Hilton stroked a woman’s stomach in Mexico because she thought she was pregnant.

In September of last year, an earthquake destroyed the Mexican city of San Gregorio. Paris Hilton, 42, went there to help help people.6,000 people were hurt and 370 died.The beautiful visitor was deeply touched by the suffering of the locals.

Paris kissed a lot of kids, had nice conversations with their parents, and gave them perfume sets that had her name on them.She kissed a pregnant woman on the stomach out of the blue after touching her deeply.The woman was shocked and upset at the same time.

She sent a $350,000 check as a goodbye.With this money, 200,000 homes that were damaged will be rebuilt.No doubt, this won’t be enough, but Hilton promised to start a campaign in the US with Hollywood stars and people in show business to get more money.After having a child of her own, Paris became emotional.


When she saw a woman she thought was pregnant, the most famous blonde of the 2000s got down on her knees and kissed her belly.It turned out that the woman wasn’t pregnant; she just likes to eat well.

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