A child in Tennessee surprised a local police officer with a heartfelt note and a $1 “reward” as a gesture of kindness.

Officer Zach Little of the Smyrna, Tennessee Police Department posted a heartwarming deed of generosity on social media over the weekend. Little expressed compassion for the family grieving the loss of two loved ones and said he was “soaked to the bone” while overseeing a funeral procession in the heavy rain.

A little boy named Levi came to the officer with an envelope in his hand after getting out of his mother’s car in the pouring rain. Levi thanked Little for his assistance and hurried back to the car. Little was curious, so he asked Levi’s mother what the envelope was. She said it was a sweet gesture and then drove off.

Little found a $1 bill and a sincere note praising police officers for their service when he opened the mail. “To me, you are the bravest men and women I know…” said the statement, which also commended the cops for their dedication. In an effort to make the officer’s day better, it also highlighted Levi’s support for the Back the Blue initiative.


Appreciative of the action, Little said on Facebook, “Thank you, and thank you to his mother for teaching him to LOVE rather than hate!” He also thanked Levi and his mother for teaching him kindness.


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