Raising boys may be an adventure in and of itself. It’s a unique journey, from their wild and dirty character to the difficulties of potty training. As a mother of a boy myself, I know how hard it may be, but I’m here to help with a handy tip that can help you maintain a clean and fresh scent in your bathroom even when your little guy is playing around.

Shaving Cream’s Power
If you’ve toilet trained a young boy, you are aware that accidents sometimes occur and that pee odors can occasionally linger in the restroom. This is where the clever tip from this mother comes in. Recently, Priscilla Raquel Lloyd shared on Facebook how she deodorizes her bathroom, which is frequently used by her three boys. You’re going to want to know about it, I promise!

Bid Farewell to Stale Odor
According to Priscilla, shaving cream is a traditional and reasonably priced product that can effectively eliminate the odor of urine from bathroom floors and the area surrounding toilets. She advises beginning with a thorough disinfection by using a cleaner with a bleach base. But Priscilla discovered—as a mother of three boys who are presently potty training—that the stale smell could linger for a while after. It was then that she realized the efficacy of shaving cream. You can get rid of the smell of stale pee by applying shaving cream to the affected regions.
A Simple and Inexpensive Fix
Thus, try this tip if you’re toilet training and concerned that your restroom may never smell good again. It’s a simple and inexpensive fix that might have a big impact. Priscilla, I appreciate you giving this useful advice!