This family snapshot appears to be very harmless at first glance.
Just a mother and father happily posing for a photo beside their four children.
However, social media users saw something unexpected buried in the picture quite quickly.
As one might expect, the post went viral very fast as individuals attempted to figure out what went wrong.
When you do locate it, it’s a frightening experience.
Someone is concealed within the couch. You may see an eye peeking out from under the pillows if you look closely enough.
Have you discovered it as of yet?The image of another man’s face is located just beneath the mother’s leg.
Even worse, it seems like the family is totally oblivious to his presence.
Isn’t it a little ominous for a family portrait?
Twitter recently went crazy when an image seemed to reveal a face on the back of a woman’s head. This is not the first time an image has gone popular for the wrong reasons.
One person on social media questioned, “What kind of devilish demonic thing is going on here?” Another person stated, “I’m laughing but scared.”