From her automobile, the woman waves to the bear. Notice his surprising reaction. After a second

Who said a 280-pound bear couldn’t have a sense of self? Well, at least one furry companion that is presently becoming viral online certainly does.


The bear resides in the expansive habitat of hundreds of animals at the Olympic Game Farm in Washington. He might have been saved from a zoo and was unable to be released back into the wild, but it’s unknown exactly how he got to the farm. Nevertheless, he can live as he pleases here at least. People come to the farm occasionally to observe the magnificent animals.

like the woman in this tale. She chose to wave at the bear when she saw it. His answer? Fantastic beyond measure.


The farm welcomes visitors who would not otherwise be able to observe the animals in their natural habitat and who want to learn more about wildlife.


One such guest was sitting in her car one day when she casually waved to the bear, and he miraculously waved back!


Watch the video below to see their amazing encounter.

Despite being a brief video, I can watch it again and again!

If you agree that bears are amazing animals, please share your thoughts!

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