Stepmom delivers special wedding vows to four-year-old – his reaction breaks our hearts

It’s always a pleasure to see two people who are in love begin their life together and exchange vows.

Attendees at US Marine Corps sergeant Joshua Newville and Senior Airman Emily Leehan’s wedding were anticipating a fantastic day, as was to be expected, but they had no idea that they would see one of the most unforgettable scenes ever.

Leehan had already prepared some vows for her stepson Gage before she began to recite them. The adorable little child was ecstatic to watch his father get married, and it was clear that he was pleased with his father’s decision as well as appraising his future mother.

She turned to Gage and began reading her vows to him while his small eyes lingered on Leehan.

Everyone in the room let out a “awww” during her speech since it was so moving. Though most of the folks were crying with happiness, Gage’s endearing response was the one that captured the attention.

He continued to listen to his stepmother’s comments before sobbing uncontrollably and encircling her with his arms.

Leehan remarked, “I want you to be a good person, to try your hardest, and to be safe.” Then, seeing that the infant was having too much emotional distress, she said, “Don’t cry baby.”

Leehan continued, “The last thing I hope you discover is that you are a special boy.” “You are so charming, intelligent, and considerate of other people. I may not have given you the gift of life, but life undoubtedly gave me the gift of you, and you have helped mold me into the woman I am today.

The couple shared their vows after gathering their feelings.

Following the wonderful wedding, the newlyweds were said to have promptly returned to active service. Due to their need to return to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, they had to postpone their honeymoon.

Watch the video below to see the touching moment these stepson and stepmother shared.

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