The judges broke down in tears after a children’s choir covered “Queen,” which prompted them to hit the “Golden Buzzer.”

All performers dream of big rooms, friendly audiences, and the chance to perform for people all around the world.

Of course, gathering the bravery to do these things is a whole other story. A lot of people won’t even bother trying, and even those who do run the risk of not making enough progress to finish the work.

Luckily, this did not happen to a small children’s choir that performed for Simon Cowell and the other judges. The primary school pupils gave an unforgettable performance, even with their questionable appearance.

There is no denying the intensity of Queen’s song “Don’t Stop Me Now.” Among the greatest, if not the most moving songs of the 20th century. The song absolutely enthralls listeners and masterfully showcases Freddie Mercury’s singing abilities.

Of course, singing is not an easy feat.

But this was not going to stop the kids from trying. With captivating eagerness, they took the stage, and their rendition of the famous song made the judges and crowd laugh aloud.

Furthermore, these kids show no signs of anxiety or stress, which is already a remarkable accomplishment given their circumstances. Instead, they all confidently and enthusiastically perform their respective roles.

Their performance was so powerful that it won them both the Golden Buzzer from judge David Williams and scathing criticism from Simon Cowell.

They made a statement when they became the first winners of the “Golden Buzzer” on the 2018 season of Britain’s Got Talent.

Check out the video below to see their performance:

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