An 80-year-old man insists every morning on bringing his wife breakfast in the nursing home. When asked “Why is his wife in a retirement home?”

Sometimes in life, when we meet someone, we instantly recognize them as the one we want to be with forever. Not everyone is fortunate enough to find their soul mate while traveling through life, but if you do, cling onto them fiercely and never let go of their side.

In a nursing home, an 80-year-old man paid a visit to his wife and brought her flowers and breakfast. Someone who had watched him do this every morning questioned him about his wife and the reason she was staying at the facility. The man answered, “She had Alzheimer’s disease.”

The curious visitor asked the elderly guy, “Would your Wife be worried if one day you didn’t come and bring her breakfast?” She doesn’t remember, he shot back. She hasn’t acknowledged me in five years and has no idea who I am.

The person was even more bewildered, asking, “So why do you bring your wife breakfast every morning, even though she doesn’t even recognize you?” The devoted partner smiled and added, “She doesn’t know who I am, but I know who she is.”

Our hearts are incredibly moved by this.

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