Men have been observed in public with a painted fingernail, and the motivation is admirable and noble.
The color that men choose to paint one or more fingernails on each hand might vary from man to man.
Although some guys take it a step further by adding a design on top of the hue, the meaning it stands for remains the same.
This exclusively male trend began in Australia, but ambitious American guys are taking it to the United States.
Elliot Costello met Thea while traveling with a group called Hagar International; she gave him the idea to paint his nail and distribute it further.
With the goal of improving the lives of those who reside there, Elliot and the group traveled to Cambodia.
In turn, the smallest villager left the biggest impression on Elliot, who discovered an issue affecting kids not only in Cambodia but also in the United States and other countries.
Elliot took the time to interact with little Thea in a way that she would like.
This girly-girl had to have polish on her nails. As they conversed about her life and her problems, he painted one of hers and she painted one of his.
He learned that she had experienced sexual assault…
I informed her that I would always have one of my nails painted as a reminder of her and, consequently, her anguish.
Elliot was inspired to improve men’s behavior after this heartfelt conversation so that children would be protected from sexual abuse.
In order to become a #PolishedMan, males are required to spend a week painting one fingernail, and that is when he came up with the idea for the Polished Man project.
The one nail out of five on a hand full of five represents the one in five children who will experience sexual abuse.
An organization called Polished Man, which works to prevent sexual assault against minors, asserts that “being a Polished Man means challenging violent behavior and language, both locally and globally.”
Since 96% of this form of violence against children worldwide is committed by men, Elliot came to the conclusion that males must act as a catalyst for change if we are ever to put a stop to the abuse of helpless children.

The ultimate objective isn’t for people to merely see a man with a brand-new nail and think about the hundreds of thousands of youngsters who suffer injury every day and must live with the consequences for the rest of their life.
Instead, Elliot hopes that the fingernail will start a discussion about this regrettable fact, sparking fresh solutions to stop it and perhaps even inspiring financial contributions to “support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse,” as APlus highlighted.
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