This father raised 30 children by himself and fostered three more. This is where they are right now!

He has successfully raised 30 children through adoption throughout the course of his 19-year career. In Buffalo, Thomas Lamont resides. Five little children under the age of five have recently been adopted, growing his family. They are all brothers and cousins to one another. Currently, Lamont Thomas is raising 12 kids. A single father was the subject of a GMA documentary.

As the father was permitted to bring five children inside the house in front of the court, Thomas was unable to control his tears. He says that raising his five siblings successfully required a lot of work. Ten adopted children as well as Lamonica and Anthony, the home’s original two residents, now reside there. The tale of a single parent starts in the year 2000.

I started off by helping one of my friends. I then went a step further and got a license that let me look after adoptive kids. Since then, I have not stopped.

One of the oldest adopted individuals, Michael, is already 27 years old. The individual asserts that after becoming his third in a line of residences, Thomas’ home finally became his own. The single father knew the boy’s biological parents.

Michael claims that Thomas never left his kids unattended. They didn’t separate until they were old enough to have families of their own. In a household with a single parent, everyone was valued and treated equally. Michael thinks that dads are required by God to raise their children.

Now that we are all adults. Michael chuckles, “I can’t believe he started over again. He ultimately assisted me in surviving. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

Thomas eventually made the decision to halt his progress. The eldest child left home and wed. Even though there were seven other children in the home, the single parent seemed to be alone. He “came out of retirement” when he learned that five brothers were looking for a home.

Because he previously raised the father of these kids, Thomas is aware of them. The father objected to the children living in various homes. It turned out that the four kids were separated for more than 1.5 years and ended up living in various towns.

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