After dog gets hit by car, brutal sign has entire neighborhood talking

There are people out there whose reckless driving puts other drivers in danger, whether they are texting or talking on the phone while driving, intoxicated, driving too fast, or simply disobeying the law. Sadly, these motorists are more likely to be responsible for fatal incidents.

After their family dog was killed, one family decided that enough was enough of the reckless driving and speeding in their neighborhood, so they decided to put up a giant sign in their lawn that had everyone talking, especially because many saw it as a threat.

The placard said, “We buried our dog last week because you won’t slow down.” “Your family may bury you if you hit one of my kids.”

Initially shared on Reddit, the sign shot was rapidly reposted on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Within a short period of time, the post caught the interest of many people and started a discussion about the propriety of the late dog owners’ controversial sign placement.

“I’ve never understood why people drive quickly through parking lots or neighborhoods. One person said, “Seriously…what’s the logic in that?” Wonderful symbol. In neighborhoods, people drive way too quickly. Twenty or more is too quick. kids riding bikes. It happens when children are playing in their own yard and a ball travels into the street. Therefore, why is there a difficulty. People are f**king fools, that’s why. Plain and easy,” said a another user.

“Damn right, man! One of my dogs escaped, and the woman who accidentally ran over him didn’t even stop. simply trampled him. A third said, “A toddler could experience the same thing.

This sign is in my community.

Others criticized those who put up the sign, claiming they ought to have cared for their dog better. They suspected the owners let it roam freely rather than keeping it on a leash because it was hit by a car.

“I don’t have the slightest sympathy for them. The similar issue is present in my area. Everyone believes that the dogs and cats are allowed to roam free. Without my permission, my pets never leave my property, one reader commented.

“Make sure your dog is leashed! Another person said, “If you loved your animal friend, you would care for them better.

Another person said, “Speeding is horrible, but it’s your duty to keep your dog and kids off the street.

What do you think about this?

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